hello! welcome to my visual diary of fav images)oundround the


My fascination with how clothes can transform us has been a fixation since I really felt it aged 6. Do YOU remember? This blog is for men who own it and want to show us.x

Thursday, April 14, 2011

all images by Kata Varga from FRONTLINERS, A SUPER COOL BLOG with words by the unstoppable Natalie Walton

liking this wood platter with these coloured towels, the mix of textures with the salt...STYLE!!
this moody large B & W photo is so evocative, makes me think of my favourite story as a child, THE SECRET GARDEN. This is Amanda Mahoney looking cute and shy.
bird cages just how I like them....old and junky sans birds!!!
sunny still life...reminds me to do another one for April.
loving pics of peeps books....interesting!
torn paper sculpture by ANNA-WILL HIGHFIELD made with needle and thread....I am in AWE!!!
this fabric sculpture makes me smile.x

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